Misel o trenutku

Misel o trenutku

Življenje je tekoče, niti trenutek ni takšen kot naslednji trenutek, niti nismo isti skozi čas. Mi kot življenje smo neskončni cikel prehoda, transformacije in spreminjanja kot narava, ki se nenehno spreminja. Smo na vrhu naše igre in smo na dnu naše igre. Oboje je prav, tako je narava, en del je razburjenje in drugi je sprostitev in počitek. En ni boljši kot drugi, in oba bosta prihajala in odhajala, kot sonce vzhaja in zahaja. Niti ni en trenutek pomembnejše od drugega, oba sta. In mojstrstvo? Mojstrstvo je v sprejemanju vsakega trenutka, takšnega kot je, ki prihaja in odhaja, živeti polno v vsakem trenutku, v soncu in v senci, ker vsak izmed teh trenutkov z vsemi vmesnimi trenutki, nosi v sebi dragocene dragulje, ki čakajo na nas, da jih odkrijejo. Torej, na nas samih je, da samo uživamo v vožnji in smo kot smo. Uživamo poletje in zimo. Uživamo v prihajanju in odhajanju, ne da bi označevali kateri trenutek kot dober, slab, vse je. To je vse, kar potrebujemo. Da smo, in v vsakem trenutku, lahko čutimo osredotočenost, sedanjost trenutka in to je največje darilo, ki ga lahko damo sebi in svetu, da uživamo v vsakem delu poti.

Vprašajmo se danes? Ali se oklepam trenutka? Ali se trudim, da bi trajal ta trenutek večno? Ali obstaja poseben trenutek, ki ga iščem? In uzavestimo, vsi trenutki so posebni, če živimo v zdaj in uzavestimo, da vse, kar moramo storiti je, da spustimo in uživamo v vožnji našega notranjega bitja in občutimo, vedno čutimo.

Life is fluent, not one moment is like the other, nor are we the same through time. We as life are in a never-ending cycle of transition, transformation and we change as nature changes. We are at the top of our game and we are at the bottom of our game. Both is ok, both is nature, one is excitement and the other is release and rest. Neither is better than the other, and both will always come and go as the sun rises and sets. Neither is more important than the other, they both are. And the mastery? The mastery is within excepting each part of life as it comes and as it goes, living to the fullest all moments, in the highlight and in the shadow, as each of these with all its parts in between hold in of itself precious jewels that wait for us to be discovered. So, it is up to us to only enjoy the ride and be as we are. Enjoy the summer and the winter. Enjoy the coming and the going, without labeling it as good, bad, all is. That is all we ever need to be, and, in each moment, we can feel centered and present and that is the biggest gift that we can give to ourselves and the world, to enjoy each part of the journey.

Ask yourself today? Am I clinging to the moment? Am I trying to make it last forever? It there a special moment I am searching for? And realize all moments are special if lived in the now and realize that all we must do is to let go and enjoy the ride of our internal being and feel, always feel.

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